:Base email.hlp>main :Title e-Mail Notify Help 1 What's new in e-Mail Notify 0.99.10=NEW 1 Notify Introduction 2 About e-Mail Notify=I_EMAIL 2 About the Author=I_AUTHOR 2 License Agreement=I_COPYRIGHT 2 Credits=I_CREDITS 1 Notify Commands 2 File Menu=C_FILE 2 Mail Menu=C_MAIL 2 View Menu=C_VIEW 2 Help Menu=C_HELP 2 Tray Bar Icon and Menu=C_TRAY 2 Special Features=C_SPECIAL 1 Notify Configuration 2 Server Configuration=IDH_SERVER 2 Checking Configuration=IDH_CHECKING 2 Notify Configuration=IDH_NOTIFY 2 Misc. Configuration=IDH_MISC 2 External Reader Configuration=IDH_READER 1 How to ... 2 Contact the Author=H_CONTACT 2 Quickly configure e-Mail Notify=H_QUICK 2 TroubleShoot e-Mail Notify=H_TROUBLE 2 Register=H_REGISTER